now offering Hospital and HOME BIRTH PHOTOGRAPHY


I'm so excited for you!

If you made it to this page that means you are most likely having a little babe, so congratulations!
As long as I've been a photographer I have always wanted to get into shooting birth stories. Having two babies myself, I know how important and sacred birth is.
After shooting my first birth in January 2024, I knew it was for me. I left feeling a whole new high. And I made it a point to dive into the birthing world.
So let's chat! I can't wait to hear from you!

how it works! step-by-step

step 1

Contact me ASAP to see if I'm available for your due date. Also check with your hospital/OB to see if they allow photography. Then we can meet in person or chat on the phone so you can ask me all the questions! Then you decide if you want to move forward or not.

step 2

You've chosen me! YAY!

Now it's time to lock in your date with a deposit.

step 3

Waiting time!

Now we wait for labor. You will contact me as soon as labor begins! I'll arrive when you are in active labor (5-7cm) and stick around for up to 2 hours after baby is born.

step 4

I head home to get to work while you rest and soak up those newborn snuggles. I'll send you over a few sneak peeks within 24 hours and your online gallery will be ready in 2-3 weeks.


All birth sessions include:

-a consultation (in person or via phone/zoom)

-on call beginning at 38 weeks

-labor and birth coverage through 2 hours after birth

-fully edited images delievered through an online password protected gallery

-a payment plan option with full payment due by 38 weeks.


payment plans available

discount offered if booking additional sessions

(announcement, maternity, in-home/studio newborn, first birthday)

travel fee for hospitals/homes 25+ miles from 08234